*New* Call for Abstracts: Workshop on Migration and Mobility Research in the Digital Era (Due 6/10/24)
Posted: 5/31/2024 ()
The Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR) will host workshop on September 3rd in Exeter, United Kingdom as a satellite session of the Conference on Complex Systems. The aim of this satellite session is to bring together researchers from different fields and practitioners from around the world to facilitate a conversation on the use of innovative digital data sources, new methodologies, empirical findings, and critical challenges of studying migration and mobility in the digital era. Organizers welcome submissions of abstracts on ongoing or published work that fit the topics of the event. Authors must submit abstracts by June 10th. Read about the topic and other details here.
Summary: The recent availability of massive amounts of digital data have profoundly revolutionized research on migration and mobility, enabling scientists to quantitatively study individual and collective mobility patterns at different granularities as generated by human activities in their daily life. Harnessing such digital data offers many new opportunities to study migration and mobility and fill in the gaps left by traditional data. At the same time, such innovative data sources also come with several limitations, biases, and challenges, which have led to diverging research methodologies and frameworks, requiring even greater effort in their operationalization and communication to stakeholders and policy makers.